What is M-Gard®?

M-Gard® is an immune booster that strengthens your body’s essential protective systems against various pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more*. Research has demonstrated that M-Gard® exhibits immune-regulating properties both in laboratory settings and in live experiments involving animal and human subjects. M-Gard® serves as an outstanding immune support supplement for human consumption.

M-Gard Molecule Structure

M-Gard® — mode of action

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Step 1

The unique molecular structure of the bioactive M-Gard®  lets it bind to specific receptors on immune cells. This interaction is known to occur through different cell surface receptors — most notably, the Dectin 1 receptor.

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Step 2

Binding of M-Gard® to a receptor triggers cellular signalling cascades, which modulates the immune cell that are part of the innate immune system.

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Step 3

M-Gard® modulates the innate immune system, leading to enhanced immune responses (increased cytokine secretion) during infection. The innate immune system is the first-line defense against infections and controls the responses of the specific immune system.

Innate immune memory

Trained immunity induces enhanced immune properties in innate immune cells resulting in an increased immune response to subsequent infections and better health. 

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Strength of immune response through time

M-Gard® — why so effective?

M-Gard® is derived from a proprietary yeast strain with a unique molecular structure
The molecular structure of M-Gard® comprises a beta-1,3-poly-glucose backbone with beta-1,3-1,6 branched beta-1,3 poly-glucose side chains
The beta-1,3 poly-glucose chains are crucial for its immunomodulatory activity through modulation of immune cells like macrophages
Other beta-glucans do not have these properties!
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M-Gard® helps support healthy immune function

M-Gard®is especially important for:

M-Gard® for treating immune-related conditions

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One-year study. Healthy individuals taking/not taking M-Gard® dietary supplement. 

Number of sick leave days related to symptoms like cold, flu and fever.

A double blind, parallel study comparing the effects of M-Gard® with that of placebo

The aim of the present study was to determine if M-Gard® affects the level of the acute phase C-reactive protein (CRP) and of LDL-cholesterol in subjects with blood cholesterol levels as high as possible, but still below the level that justifies active intervention with cholesterol lowering medication (< 8.5 mM).

Number of subjects:

70 subjects per treatment group. Total number of subjects was 140.

Test product, dose, mode of administration:

M-Gard® (beta-1,3/1,6-glucan) 720 mg (two capsules), once daily, orally

Reference therapy, dose, mode of administration:

Cellulose (two capsules), once daily, orally

Duration of treatment:

8 weeks

Criteria for evaluation:

  • Change in sensitive CRP and LDL-cholesterol during 8 weeks treatment
  • Changes in other immune factors (IL-1, IL-6, IL-12, TNF, INF) during 8 weeks treatment


  • Adverse events
  • Serum uric acid, AST, ALT, glucose, creatinine
  • Physical examination; vital signs
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Safety Results:

A critical review of the adverse events of the study gave no reason to believe that there were any safety concerns associated with M-Gard®. 


No significant difference in the effect of placebo and M-Gard® were seen on LDL-cholesterol. Since no values of immunological variables were above the cut-off limit, M-Gard® does apparently not induce any response leading to high cytokine levels. 

Oral administration of SBG lead to increased salivary concentrations of immunoglobulin A

Three groups, each with six individuals, received either 100mg/day (group 1), 200mg/day (group 2) or 400 mg/day (group 3).

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Repeated measurements of beta-glucan in serum revealed no systemic absorption of the agent following the oral doses of SBG. In saliva, the immunoglobulin A concentration increased significantly for the highest SBG dose employed. SBG was thus safe and well tolerated by healthy volunteers, when given orally once daily for 4 consecutive days at doses up to 400 mg.

Innate immune memory

Trained immunity induces enhanced immune properties in innate immune cells resulting in an increased immune response to subsequent infections and better health. 

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Strength of immune response through time

Oral administration of M-Gard® promotes Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) clearance

Mice given M-Gard® had 100% (10/10) clearance of HBV DNA

 at 9 weeks post treatment. While only 30% (3/10) of mice in the control group had clearance of HBV DNA at the same time point.

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HBs antibodies were detectable at week 7 in mice given M-Gard®, demonstrating that M-Gard® induced specific immune responses against HBV.

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M-Gard® counteracts influenza symptoms

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* 7-day mice study. Median weight loss in % of median initial weight of 10 individuals – Institute of public health, Oslo, Norway

M-Gard® was given orally from two days prior to infection and daily until termination of experiment, and a prominent anti-influenza drug daily from day 1 after infection. Influenza-virus (A/PR8, H1N1) was administered into the lungs.

Oral administered M-Gard® potentiates IgG-level to influenza virus

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Mice given 0.1 mg M-Gard® either into the nasal cavity (i.n.) or orally (p.o.) once per day for 21 (up to day 0) or 43 (up to day 22) days. 

After 21 days (day 0) the mice were infected with live influenza virus. 

After 43 days (day 22 post infection) blood samples were collected and analysed for serum IgG-titer against the virus.

Negative control= not infected

Pig models to study protection against infection diseases

Pigs are closely related to humans in terms of anatomy, genetics and physiology, and represent an excellent animal model to study various microbial infectious diseases.

  • 4 pigs/ pen
  • 8 pens/ treatment
  • Two treatments (control and M-Glucan feed)
  • M-Glucan dosage: 125 ppm
  • A total of 64 pigs
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Mortality were extremely high in the first 7-21 days indicating the ‘dirty’ environment was a challenge to the piglets. No antibiotics or ZnO was fed. 

M-Glucan fed piglets had lower mortality compared to control fed piglets.

SBG® in immunotherapy of neuroblastoma

Clinical trial program of the bivalent ganglioside vaccine in combination with SBG® for high-risk neuroblastoma.

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